Friday, August 10, 2012

XXXV - Exodus 6:1 - 7:13 - God Promises Deliverence

In the last post we saw how Pharaoh increased the Israelites' burden to the breaking point.  Being desparate, the Hebrew overseers appealed to Moses, and Moses went to God.  In chapter 6, God answers Moses in detail.

This passage we're looking at today tells us many things about God.  God is about to show the Israelites and the Egyptians just how powerful He is.  God knows this is necessary.  {When reading Exodus early in my Christian life, I always questioned in my mind about God "hardening Pharaoh's heart".  It is stated so many times in Exodus that I thought at first it was the human writer or the interpreters that were not as thorough as I needed them to be.  I wondered why would God harden Pharaoh's heart?  It just seems to make things more difficult for Moses and the Israelites.  Upon further research, I learned from one Biblical scholar's writing that when the Hebrew writers described anything that took place, it was allowed by God (ie Job), therefore God made it happen.  I simply could not wrap my mind around this, and let it go for years.  In my entire life, I have learned the same lesson over and over again:  When something seems so complicated or confusing, but understanding still escapes us, go back to the simplicity of the subject; the base text.  I went back as far as I could (as a layman), and found that the Holy Scripture says that God hardened Pharaoh's heart.  Therefore, as I sought understanding in my mind, I realized that Pharaoh was actually a coward.  Had God not intervened on Pharaoh's heart, Pharaoh would have let God's people go before or shortly after the first plague.  I have concluded in my mind that God had decided to make Himself and His power known to both the Israelites and the Egyptians in no uncertain terms.  And in the next post after this one we'll see how God covers everything in His displays of power.  Few times in the History of civilization does God see fit to reveal the depth and breadth of His power.}

Vs 1 -  The Lord answers Moses and says, "Now you will see what I will do.........because of My mighty hand, Pharoah will drive them (Israel) out".  Not only will Pharaoh let you go, but he will drive you out.  He will demand that you leave.  I think this is necessary because if not, then some of the Israelites would stay behind, which would be unacceptable to God.  You might think "surely none would stay behind in Egypt".  But as we continue to study God's chosen people, you'll soon discover just how foolish and faithless these people can be.  They continually try God's patience.

Vss 2,3 - The Lord renewed His promises in detail.  He remind Moses that man does not discover God, but rather God reveals Himself to man.  As written in Hebrews 1:1, God chooses to reveal Himself in different ways at different times.  Note that God appeared to Abraham and referred to Himself as God Almighty.  Now He has come as (KJV) JEHOVAH, meaning Lord God Almighty.  In vss 4 and 5, God reminds Moses of the covenants God has made, in this case, the one He made with Abraham.  {I realize you know what a covenant is:  An agreement between two parties, in most cases one party being stronger than the other, making it an act of grace.  In the days when the King James translations were prepared, the word "Covenant" when used in a broad sense was translated to the word "Testament".  We sometimes overlook and take for granted the importance of these covenants and testaments, and how civilization as been affected by them.}  Vs 5 states that God is well aware of the awful conditions under which His people are living.  Vss 6-8 God reaffirms what He is about to do in general terms, and will reveal specifics.

In vs 9 Moses reported back to the people all the things God had revealed to him.  But of course they did not believe Moses. These people constantly had to be encouraged,  {At this point in time, I understand their attitudes.  They had been oppressed for so long, it was the only life they knew.  Being set free from slavery and deliverence into a land "flowing with milk and honey" would sound just too good to be true.  I must be careful not to allow my attitude about these people to get too critical.  I don't think I would have done any better.}

Vss 10-13  -  Moses returns to God and God sends Moses back to Pharaoh.  But Moses was also discouraged.  If his own people would not listen, how could he expect the Egyptians to to listen?  Nevertheless, God sent him on, reminding him of his call and God's promises.

At this point in time the Writer sees fit to list the separate tribes.  The sons of Jacob were dead, so the new leaders of the respected tribes are named as the sons of the twelve brothers.  As I've stated earlier, accurate family records were and are important to these people, as they should be.

In vss 28-->  God sends Moses forward and instructs Aaron to be the spokesman of Moses but makes it clear that Moses is the leader.  In the early verses of chapter 7 God continues to detail His instructions to Moses and Aaron.  (Aaron was three years older that Moses, born before the Pharaoh had ordered the death of all male babies.)  Vss 8-->  shows the first of many miracles God will perform.  Aaron throws his staff to the floor and it turns into a snake.  Vs 11 says the Egyptian sorcerers do the same, but Aaron's snake eats the snakes of the sorcerers.  This was to show the Egyptians that God's power was superior.  {I cannot explain how such power was in the Egyptian sorcerers.  There are other occurances for which I will fail to offer an explaination, simply because I don't have one.  I invite any and all comments on this subject}

Next post - The Ten Plagues of Egypt

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