Thursday, November 1, 2012

LXXXII - A Quick Review - Think on These Things

Think on These Things

As I mentioned before, on the first of each month I will send a list of things for you to think on as a review of what we've covered thus far.  If you are unable to bring to mind significant thoughts concerning each of these, you might want to scan the pertinent blog posting.  I will attempt to keep this list at a reasonable length as we proceed through our study. 

The Creation
Adam and Eve
The Fall
Noah and the Ark
Sodom and Gomorrah
Isaac Is Born
Hagar and Ishmael
Isaac and Rebekah
Jacob and Esau
Jacob's Ladder
The twelve sons of Jacob = Israel
Joseph the Dreamer
Joseph and Potifer's Wife  =  Prison
Joseph and Pharaoh
Israel Goes to Egypt
Moses Kills Egyptian - Becomes Fugitive
Ten Plagues of Egypt
The Exodus
The Ten Commandments
The Ark of the Covenant
Cloud by Day, Pillar of Fire by Night
Forty Years in the Wilderness
Joshua, Caleb, and the Twelve Spies sent to Canaan
Joshua Replaces Moses as Leader of Israel
Rahab the Canaanite Prostitute
Crossing the Jordan, 12 Stones
Battle of Jericho
Land Allotments for the 12 Tribes
Baal and Ashteroth
Gideon Lays Out the Fleece
Samson and Delilah

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