Chapter 15 – Continuing the aphorisms given forth by God
through Solomon.
Very first verse. My
wife is particularly good at this. A
gentle answer or response calms down an angry person. This almost always works. {If you can’t kill them with kindness, then
don’t engage at all.} Verse 3 is
encouraging as it reminds us that God is aware of everything we do, both the
righteous and the wicked.
Verse 12 again
remind us that fools hate and reject correction that could possibly make their
lives easier.
Verse 22 tells us the
wisdom of seeking wise council.
{Throughout my life there was always a lot of things I didn’t know, but
I was never too proud to ask people who had the knowledge necessary to
accomplish whatever the task. Many
foolish people are too proud to admit they don’t know something.}
Verse 29b expresses a truth we will see again
in our study of the Bible. The saying is
that “God hears the prayers of a righteous man”. This alone should be reason enough to try to
live a Godly life. Think about that. The last phrase of the last verse in this
chapter is a good one to adopt as a motto in life: “Humility comes before honor”. My favorite patriarch Joseph could preach
volumes on this truth.
Chapter 16
Verse 3 is a good reminder to involve God in ALL of your
plans. Keeping Him in mind and seeking
from Him wisdom and guidance will make everything you do go better. Remember, He wants you to be successful, and
He wants to be a part of your life.
Verse 5 reminds us again of the first of the six things God hates. In the middle verses of this chapter a “king”
is mentioned, which Solomon is speaking about how a king of any nation should
Verse 28 tells us that to involve
ourselves with a foolish and wicked person will lead to the loss of valuable
Verse 31, like many to
come, tells us of the dignity in becoming old after having followed the way of
the wise. Woe to the society which
disregards the wisdom and guidance of its older members.
Chapter 17
The first verse lauds peace in the home. Our homes should be peaceful and
Verse 5 is a warning. We are to have compassion on the poor and
less fortunate. The second part promises
punishment to those who would gloat over the poor who are victims of
Verse 6 tells us of the
greatness of grandchildren.
{Grandchildren are among the few things in life that are everything they
are built up to be. Everyone should be
blessed with such joy.}
Look at verse
9. It speaks of the destructive power of
gossip. Verse 13 promises us that there
will be long-lasting punishment for those who return evil for good. {Have you ever been a victim of this? I have.
I do a good deed, only to have evil done against me as a direct
reaction. Hurtful and discouraging. But God promises that He will handle it. I take great comfort in that.}
Verse 15 supports my thoughts about justice
and our justice system. {I am not
without mercy. I enjoy seeing mercy
exercised and I love the thought of God being merciful to me and my
family. I’ve always asked God for mercy
rather than justice. However, I’ve
always thought that our social system of justice is weakened a little bit each
time a guilty person is allowed to go unpunished. I see it all the time, not only in our
courts, but also in our schools and in families where children are being
raised. We discourage good behavior
every time we allow bad behavior to go unpunished.}
Verse 22 tells us that laughter is good
medicine. Everybody needs to realize
This chapter ends with verse 28
repeating the earlier thought that even a fool can make people think he is wise
if he keeps his words to a bare minimum.
A fool never is exposed for what he is until he opens his mouth.
Chapter 18
The first verse of this chapter encourages us to be
friendly. We often forget that a smile
still works wonders.
The second verse
reminds us to think on our words before we speak. It says that fools constantly voice their
opinions, about every subject.
Again in
verse 7 it tells us that a fool is exposed when he opens his mouth.
Verse 8 tells us again how hurtful and destructive gossip
is. Gossip perverts, therefore it is
hurtful. As gossip is repeated, truth is
often a casualty. {Try this: When you are in a group of a dozen or more
people (first, announce what you are about to do, but keep the anticipated
result secret). Imagine all of you are
in a circle, seated around a table. You
are to whisper in the ear of the person next to you a description of something
about a person or group of people, or simply an event that has occurred,
preferably fictitious. That person you
whisper to is to repeat it to the person next to him/her and so on and so on
till it completes the circle and finally gets back to you. When it gets back around to you, after having
gone through a dozen or more people, you will be amazed at how much the story
has changed. That is just one reason
gossip is potentially so destructive and hurtful.}
Verse 12 reemphasizes “Pride cometh before the fall”.
Verse 13 says to listen for the finish
before commenting.
Verse 16, as others,
suggests that these proverbs are jotted down at random. Suddenly, Solomon says that if one wants to
be received and heard, he might consider bringing a gift. A gift always gets attention.
Verse 18 has more wisdom that meets the eye. There is nothing wrong with “casting lots” to
decide between two people. Example: Joe and Sam go to lunch. Joe wants to go to Chic-filet. Sam wants to go to Taco-bell. Maybe Joe should say, “let’s flip a
coin. Heads we go to Chic-filet, tails
we go to Taco-bell.” Dispute
settled. I realize that not many disputes
can be solved this simply, but many of the minor ones can be. Agree?
As we will see when we study the book of James in the New
Testament, the tongue is the most powerful weapon we have, used more frequently
to promote war than peace.
Verse 22
speaks of finding a good wife, thus finding favor with God.
Next post – Continuing with more aphorisms, chapter 19
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